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What would your family do if you couldn’t purchase a coat or snowsuit for your child, especially during the cold winter months?

To support our community, the United Way of the Albert Capital Region runs a program called “Coats for Kids & Families” and they work tirelessly with various businesses and community organizations to collect coats and warm items for children and families in need.

Kepler Academy Sturgeon, our newest childcare centre located in St. Albert, is supporting the incredible Robertson Real Estate Group as a drop-off location for coats and warm items.

This is Robertson’s third year running a Coats for Kids & Families donation drive.

Their goal is to collect 200 jackets.

Three years ago, the Realtors with the Robertson Group decided they wanted to do all they could to support the cause with the United Way. It’s personal for them — they have children, and they truly love their community, they have local reach and influence to do good, and they do not want to see any child go without.

They step up by promoting the drive with their clients, advertising weekly in the drive in the local St. Albert Gazette, and even taking the initiative to personally pick-up coats from people’s homes! Leave your coat for a porch pick-up — the Robertson Team will ensure it’s picked up that day.

They also connect with local businesses (like ours!) to collect as many items for children and families as possible.

How Do Families Get Items?

From there, the Robertson Group coordinates delivery to  theUnited Way InKind Exchange, where volunteers sort and package items so they get to social agencies that need them most urgently. Last year, the United Way in collecting over 8,000 coats. This year, they need more than ever due to COVID19.

Drop-off Items to Kepler Academy in St. Albert

Bring your gently used jackets, snowsuits, toques, hats, mittens and scarves to our childcare centre in St. Albert and the Robertson Teams will ensure they’re picked up quickly.

Call or Text 780-906-2493 upon arrival for contactless drop-off.

Kepler Academy at the Sturgeon Medical Centre

Suite 300, 625 St. Albert Trail

Hours: 6:30am – 6:00pm Monday through Friday

Kepler Academy Sturgeon will be collecting items until Robertson Real Estate Group wraps-up their donation drive on January 31, 2021.