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Support Team

Sikandar Atiq

President & Founder

Sikandar has an extensive background in operations, finance, and disruptive technology, and helps lead the strategic growth of Kepler Academy.  For his past entrepreneurial and business accomplishments, he has been recognized as a Next 10 Rising Star, a Global Shaper by the World Economic Forum, and is a member of the Young Presidents’ Organization.  Sikandar received his B.Comm with Distinction from the University of Alberta, and his MBA from New York University where he was an InSITE Fellow.

Mary Mutchler

Director of Operations

Mary joined our team in May of 2019 and brings almost three decades of high-level operational leadership to Kepler Academy. Having owned and operated many successful programs, she brings unmatched knowledge in early childhood education to the team and mentors many of our up-and-coming leaders.

Rachel Jones

Director of Client Experience & Engagement

Rachel began her journey with Kepler Academy in January 2018, opening our flagship centre! She's been with Kepler for almost 7 years, and has two children that both attend our programs. She brings 16 years of professional experience in sales, marketing and business planning. Rachel has a niche knowledge in new parenthood resources, holding strong connections in the parenting and entrepreneurial communities in Edmonton. She uses her talents in communications and community relations to support Kepler's families across the Greater Edmonton Area.

Khurrum Khan

Director of Information Technologies

Khurrum was appointed Director of Information Technologies in 2021 for the Kepler Academy. In this position, he has responsibility for Information Technology Resources, Process & Efficiencies Development and Strategic Operations Analytics. Khurrum brings over 15 years of technical and management experience in IT, BD, Infrastructure Consolidation, Business Processes & Strategic Organizational Management.

Omid Qadri

Director of Digital Marketing

Omid, is the digital marketing director for Kepler Academy & Next Equities & Companies. He has more than a decade of cinematography experience with projects ranging from commercials to branded content.

Mishline Khoury

Fitness Coordinator

Mishline teaches physical literacy programming across Kepler’s ten centres. Her passion is yoga; it has been a big part of her life since 2006, as a source of healing and living her true path. Before Kepler, she created her own extracurricular program to implement in after-school programs, and taught children from infants to 12 years of age. She believes yoga and mindfulness offer great tools for children, to empower them, learn coping skills, self-awareness and self-care. Her training includes Level 1 Early Childhood, RYT 200 Yoga Training, RYT 300 (Trauma Informed), Level 1 Kids Yoga Training & Level 3 Preschoolers and Special Needs Yoga. She is moving towards her Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher training. She is a mom to two beautiful girls!

Megan Wallace

Registered Dietitian

Hi! I’m Megan Wallace, Registered Dietitian of Sprout Nutrition. As a mom of three, I know the value and strength of coming together as a family, especially in the way we come together to share a meal.

My passion and speciality really shines through when I get to work with the whole family, especially the kiddos. Family Nutrition Consulting helps you plan and prepare meals for the whole family that are healthy, enjoyable and stress free. It is our role to help empower our children to have a healthy relationship with food and their bodies by creating a space of patience and positivity.

Sarah Uchacz

AR Administrator & Program Support Specialist

We are excited to introduce Sarah Uchacz. Sarah earned her #elcc Diploma from MacEwan University and has been working in the field for 10 years. She has loved working with all ages and knows that her vocation is ever-evolving, so is constantly focused on growing her knowledge. She believes that children are natural-born explorers and should always be supported to reach their full potential. Kids should embrace who they are and who they can be!

She lives outside #morinville and loves acreage life with her dog, Vino, an #australianshepherd. Her favourite pastimes are reading, gardening, and spending time at her family cabin.

Oakley Martin

Director of Education

Oakley is a passionate leader in early education, with decades of experience in both early learning and as a dance instructor. She earned her Elementary Education degree, which focused on Early Childhood Education and Inclusive Education practices. Following that, she taught kindergarten in the public school system for 3 years. Oakley also managed an early childhood inclusive education program for 2 years, as well as created and taught a physical literacy program for 4 years. Her son, Keenan, attends Kepler Academy!

Maria Fossi

Client Experience Specialist

Maria is our Customer Service Representative with over 15 years of experience in internal communications in the world of corporate business banking. Maria is certified by the European School of Coaching (ACTP).

Samantha Henne

Client Experience Lead

Samantha is our Client Experience Lead (CEL) which ensures current and new clients (families and children) of Kepler Academy have a positive overall enrollment experience.

Toni Newcombe

Operations Manager

Hi! I’m Toni Newcombe, Operations Manager for Kepler Academy. From an early age I had a passion for working with children. I firmly believe that the first 5 years of a childs life are the most important in setting up a foundation for them to succeed throughout their lives. I also believe that nature is the third educator and that children should be given as much opportunity to explore the world around them as often as possible. I completed my Level three in Early Learning and Child Care. I have also attended NAEYC conferences in New Orleans and San Franciso. I have had the pleasure of meeting and learning from Barbra Keiser, Dr. Jody Carrington and Dr. Gale Gorke. All of whom have been impactful in Early Childhood Education. I also have over 100 hours of professional development and 20 years of experience in field. I strive to continue to learn each day. Whether it’s from my peers or the children that I am so lucky to spend my tim. I am grateful I get to explore the world through their eyes; to watch them learn, grow and create! “Our task regarding creativity, is to help children climb their own mountains, as high as possible. No one can do more.” -Lori Malaguzi

Courtney Proulx

People & Culture Manager

Courtney is our People and Culture Manager, joining Kepler Academy in June 2024. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management from MacEwan University, specializing in employee relations, performance management, talent acquisition, and policy development and implementation. Courtney uses a hands-on approach to cultivate a vibrant and collaborative culture where individual talents are recognized and leveraged for success.

Learn More About Our Centre Directors by Visiting Each Location’s Page