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Waitlist Information & FAQs

Please read the information & FAQs below about our waitlist. Please note that your child has to be fully vaccinated in order to attend Kepler Academy.


Is there a waitlist fee?
Yes, there is a $50 non-refundable waitlist fee.
How long do I have to wait to get a childcare space?
The length of the waiting list time is different for each age group and type of care. It is difficult to predict when a space might become available for you. There are many factors which are used to offer spaces (i.e., the date you came onto the waitlist, the type of program you are looking for, where you live and work) Typically, many spaces become available between June and September of each year as children will be “aging up.”
Why does my waitlist place number change?
There are several priorities for enrollment. For example: currently enrolled children and siblings. In some circumstances this means that children may come onto the waitlist after you, but because they have “priority” they may in fact move ahead of you.
How much notice will I be given when a space becomes available?
We attempt to give you a minimum of one months’ notice. When we make you a space offer, you will have 24 hours to respond. If we do not hear from you within 24 hours, we will move to the next child on the waitlist. It is important for you to inform us of any changes in your contact information.
Is there a deposit to be paid when I accept a childcare space?
Yes. Once a space has been offered, a registration fee of $300 will be due, which is non-refundable. This will guarantee placement once a space has been confirmed. If you have already paid a waitlist fee, your registration fee reduces to $250. Kepler Academy also collects a $500 deposit which is held in trust and applied/credited toward your last month of care.
What happens if I turn down space?
If you turn down a childcare space offer you will remain on the waitlist. There are a lot of families on the waitlist, and we ask that if you do not need a childcare space anymore that you remove your name from the waitlist
What if I accept a space and then decide I do not want it?
All deposits and waitlists fees are non-refundable.


Interested in signing up for our waitlist? Click below to get started

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