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For the Boettcher Family, having safe and trustworthy childcare is a must 

Jackson Boettcher attends our West Block Glenora centre; he’s thriving in our Explorers program for busy, growing toddlers! He began his Kepler journey downtown, at our centre inside Sun Life Place.  

His parents, Shayla and Tyson, both work in healthcare. Their positions require much attention to detailEach day, they are responsible for keeping their patients safe while continuing to face the impact of the coronavirus pandemicAs parents, having an equally safe and controlled environment for Jackson to learn and thrive in allows them to be fully present at work — without worry.  

At all 8 of our childcare centres, we’re incredibly proud to serve families just like the Boettchers, whose work directly impacts the well-being of our community 

Jackson’s parents told us more about their lives outside of daycare… 

What do you do for work? 

Mom is a Registered Nurse in Labour Delivery. Dad is in his final year of residency in Orthopedic surgery.  

What do your children love to do for a favorite class? 

Jackson loves to draw and color 

Any activities you most love to do in the fall, together? 

Family bike rides. Off-leash dog-park walks as a family are our favorite 

Which family meals you love to eat together? 

We love summertime BBQ food(The weather is changing so quickly!)  

Name your favourite books to read before bedtime 

The Gruffalo – by Julia Donaldson 

I Love You Through and Through – by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak 

What is the best place in your city/community to visit? 

We love Jurassic Forest for an outdoor adventure, but it’s now closed for the winter season 

We spend a lot of time walking Buena Vista off-leash dog park and Terwillegar off-leash dog park. Prior to COVID-19 restrictions, we would go to Servus Credit Union Place to the pool (on a weekly basis!) and the Royal Alberta Museum.  

What is the best part about attending Kepler Academy? 

Kepler Academy has exceeded our expectations. The center has qualified, loving educators which is reassuring as a parent.  

They have the tools and ability to offer and provide a daily curriculum for my child to ensure activities are age appropriate and engaging. There is a chef on site, which takes the stress off me as a working parent to provide lunches for my child during the week, as I know he is eating nutritious and well-balanced meals. The kids get outside playtime every day, weather dependent, in a safe enclosed, and locked space.  

Overall, our whole family feels very safe and supported by the Kepler staff! 


Thank you, Boettcher Family. We’re glad to have you as part of our Kepler Family community.