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Sanaya Somji has been attending Kepler Academy at Sun Life Place since she was 13 months old. 


For families like the Somjis, the COVID-19 pandemic has not been negative – but a time of excitement, love and new beginnings. It’s been a stressful year, and what better to lift spirits than a baby to add to the family!  

Sanaya has a new baby brother, and she can’t wait to cuddle and hug him every day.  

This fall, the Somjis are looking forward to Halloween and enjoying their time together while mom Salima is on maternity leave.  

Sanaya’s parents told us more about their lives outside of daycare 

What do you do for work? 

Mom, Salima, is currently on maternity leave, but otherwise works in the financial industry. Dad, Karim, works for the Federal Government. 

What do your children love to do for a favourite class? 

Sanaya loves gymnastics! That is where she gets to release all her positive energy into jumping around everywhere. She has been going to these sorts of classes since she was 9 months old. She enjoys swimming, especially when she gets to blow bubbles. Since Sanaya was 4 months old, we started taking her to the pool. 

Any activities you most love to do in the fall, together? 

We’re really looking forward to carving pumpkins and dressing up for Halloween!  

Sanaya is also looking forward to spending as much time as possible with her new baby brother, who she loves to cuddle and hug 

(Read the Ultimate Guide to Halloween Events in Edmonton 2020 – from Family Fun Canada)  

Which family meals you love to eat together? 

Sanaya loves Sunday BBQ’s where she gets to enjoy beef ribs, corn on the cob and sweet potato.  

Name your favourite books to read before bedtime! 

We love the Baby Einstein & Winnie the Pooh collections! 

What is the best place in your city/community to visit? 

Our family loves the Edmonton Valley Zoo, the Devonian Gardens, taking walks along the River Valley Trails and down to the Legislature Grounds. We also love picnics and playtime with friends at the various parks in the city.  

What is the best part about being at Kepler Academy at Sun Life Place? 

Sanaya has been attending Kepler since she was 13 months old! Kepler has wonderful and understanding teachers who provide amazing experiences for Sanaya. She loves the meals provided by Chef Uma and enjoys being around peers her age. Kepler Academy allows her to follow a regular schedule full of activities.  

Thank you so much, Somji Family!